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Andy Lang

Andy Lang

MMA Parlay

MMA Parlay
September 7, 2024 8PM EDT
Play Rating:
2% – Bellator: Hokit -750 (v Rose) Meredith -700 (v Macalolooy) UFC: Andrade/silva o1.5 -350...Final Price -154 3%

Josh hokit is a stand out wrestler and his opponent Sean Rose will offer little to no defense in that department. This is a classic bellator set up fight. Hokit got a 3rd rnd sub in his debut showing good cardio and patience. He should lock up the sub at some point.

Bryce Meredith is a powerhouse grappler that bellator has been pushing for a while. Great cardio and great control. Sticks to the game plan and know where his strength is, wrestling. He gets a major softball here with John Macaloloony who has not fought since 2012. He is a writer and a teacher who has a book out that he is pushing. He suffered a nasty leg break and his comeback story is his claim to fame. He is a striker and I have seen zero ability for him to hang on the ground with Bryce. Meredith by sub in 1,2.

Silva/Andrage o1.5 rnds

Silva is a superstar in the making but this is no doubt her toughest test to date. Fantastic footwork should come in handy and kill time as Jessica will march forward and swing wide. Silva should stay safe early, her last two fights with a step up have gone to decision and I expect it to be very hard for Jessica to find the kill shot early on Silva. We will take the alt o1.5 as a late finish could be on the table. 

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