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Andy Lang

Andy Lang

UFC Parlay

UFC Parlay
September 28, 2024 3PM EDT
Play Rating:
5% – UFC PARLAY: Saint-Denis ML (vs Moicano -275), Klein ML (vs Roberts -770) and Charriere ML (vs Miranda -590) final price -125

UFC PARLAY: Saint-Denis ML (vs Moicano -275), Klein ML (vs Roberts -770) and Charriere ML (vs Miranda -590) final price -125

Best odds Bovada. Play 5% upto -155 and then 4%

Ludovit klein
Morgan charriere
Klein should roll over Robert's in this spot. Robert's is damaged goods and is being flown to Paris to build up klein who the ufc is pushing at the moment. Klein however he wants

Charriere was supposed to fight poor AJ Cunningham at this card and the ufc has found an opponent just as bad in Gabe Miranda. Miranda choked out good old Shane Young in his last fight which was a lay up, Charriere is a massive step up and at 34 years old I see Miranda failing this test everywhere.

Saint-denis looked not right against Dustin Poirier. He had success early but fell off a cliff which we have never seen before. A staph infection supposedly had an effect. He is 28 and entering his prime I expect a bounce back spot. Renato Moicano has been dodging bullets his last run of his career, in both the Dober and Turner fights he was on his way to losing and they made horrible fight IQ decisions. His luck can not last forever. Saint-Denis should take over the later the fight goes and would not be surprised if he gets the finish on a 35 year old Moicano who is looking to build his brand, make money and not to win a championship.


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