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Andy Lang

Andy Lang

PFL Europe

PFL Europe
September 28, 2024 12PM EDT
Play Rating:
2% – Shanelle Dyer ML -600 + Jack Grant ML -575 + Mark Ewen ML -1200 + Jakub Kaszuba ML -600

Dyer: has an extensive amature backround and the Pfl has crowned her the next Ditcheva. She faces Valentina Scatizzi in a semifinal match. Val is not a good fighter, she went to decision with a 44 year old her last fight. Dyer should get the KO in a Walk in the park. 
Kaszuba: last year's winner he is very well rounded and the favorite to win it all. This line is off, Scatizzi like his sister is not a good fighter but pulled off a heal hook in the first to steal a win. Jakub should pull away as this fight goes on to an easy decision win.
Grant: grants last 3 losses are to Ian Gary, Jai Herbert, and "lazy king" in a split last season. His opponent Zendeli will be at a massive disadvantage in the grappling where Grant is great. He beat a 6-5 opponent to get here and Grant is the toughest fight of his career. Grant by sub.
Ewen:suffered his first loss his last fight where he just did not show up. So what do you do? Give him a 2-3-1 #310 ranked fighter. Classic PFL set up to get mark back on track. Love fighter coming off their first loss.

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