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The Prez

The Prez

(267) New Orleans Saints at (268) Dallas Cowboys

(267) New Orleans Saints at (268) Dallas Cowboys
September 15, 2024 1PM EDT
Play Rating:
3% – Balt -2.5 & Dallas Pick

Just to let you all know, I plan on making more teaser bets than ever before this year. First off, I think with the legalization of sports betting, the lines are becoming sharper and sharper by the year, but also, there is way more parody in the league today than there use to be. These lines are about 50-50 if you bet say every favorite all year long. So why try beat 50-50, when I think we have a huge edge after buying 6 points. I also will be doing 3 team 10 point teasers as well.

Here we have a situation, where I think both these teams are way way way better than their opponents. I look at the Ravens and see a club that should have won last week and now are coming home and cannot start the year 0-2. They are playing a Raiders team who I do think will get better as the year goes on, but is a mediocre team at best and should be all year. This Ravens team is Super Bowl or bust and anytime they lose a game, we must look to be betting then in the following game. Although I would bet -8.5 if i had to, I don’t and love that we can get through both 7 and 3 and get this line to -2.5.

As for the Boys, I think this team is amazing. They have maybe the best O in football and for sure they have a top 5 d unit. There are not many teams that can boast having a top 5 unit on both sides of the ball. Perhaps, SF and Baltimore, but that maybe about it. Dallas has won 16 straight home games and all we need on Sunday is a win from them and they are playing the Saints, who are no where near as good as what they showed against the Panthers. This Saints team is a middle of the pack team at best and I think we could see a total blowout here - I mean a 40-17 type blowout, which is why I like the Over in this game as well.

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