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The Prez

The Prez

24-8 4% RUN: 4 CFB BETS & 1 BIG 4%

After winning his 4% Bet on Sunday and again on Thursday, Prez is now on a 2-0 and 24-8 4% Best Bet Run. He has 1 BIG 4% Best Bet on Saturday and 3 other bets that you don’t want to miss. He has calls on the Ark/Aub game, the Utah/Ok St game and the Tulsa/LA Tech game. 

When is the best time to bet Prez? Prez went 3-1 2 Saturday ago in CFB and last Saturday had a horrible day. He lost his 5% bet and this Saturday, he is in total revenge mode. This Saturday, he has 4 bets and will go either 3-1 or a Perfect 4-0. Saturday is the perfect day to bet the Prez’ CFB bets. 

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