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Scott Rickenbach

Scott Rickenbach


NFL / CFB #1 ON THE SITE for Football last Week (Tuesday to Monday) as he delivered MASSIVE with 9-3 / 75% RECORD! His highly coveted CFB TOTALS are now on a 4-0 / 100% PERFECT RUN after UNDEFEATED performance last week! #1 L7 DAYS ALL SPORTS! 25-13 (+$3,455) RUN! Rickenbach is also #3 L3 DAYS ALL SPORTS! 11-6 (+$1,497) RUN! Coming off a BANNER WEEK in CFB/NFL, the new Football Week begins with another HUGE WIN taking 100% RUN to 5 IN A ROW! 

#2 BIG GAME CAPPER (5%/4%) since joined WT mid-April! Since 20 April he is 114-83 / UP $10,974 with his 5%/4% picks! Truly massive BIG GAME WINNING including his TOTALS are #1 WT 5% PICKS YTD → 17-5 / +$5,695 YTD 5%! He is also on WHITE HOT 14-4 / 78% RUN with his 5% PICKS and this includes his current 7-0 / 100% RUN with 5%!

MANY #1 FOOTBALL SEASONS (CFB/NFL/CFL) in his 2-DECADE career and sure enough he responded as expected after one of tougher CFB/NFL weekends he has had in 20+ years in the industry, MAJOR PAYBACK in Football 9-3 NFL/CFB since Tuesday for #1 NFL / CFB ON THE SITE for the Football week! Rickenbach ready to do it AGAIN this WEEK! He's on 50-31 MLB RUN and also 10-4 / 71% this YEAR with his MLB 5% PICKS! Big Game Guru also in soccer: 5-0 / 100% YTD 5%!

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