Ralph Michaels
5%...#1 BOWLS - 14-1 RUN (93%)!
#1 THIS BOWLS SEASON! • CFB 5% A PERFECT 5-0 (100%)! • FOOTBALL BEST BETS (4% & 5%) 14-1 (93%)!
•• Ralph is not only #1 in CFB Bowls but he is also #2 in overall profit the L30 Days!
•• CFB Best Bets (4% & 5%) are a PERFECT 8-0 (100%) & Football Best Bets are a SIZZLING 14-1 (93%)!
•• Overall 5% top plays are 8-1 (89%) since December 11th and 14-4 (78%) since October 15th!
•• #1 in Bowls, #1 in Best Bets, and #2 overall in profit the L30 days makes this a play you do not want to miss out on!