Scott Rickenbach
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Hot Streaks
#1 CAPPER 5*/4* s/April (joined WT) -> +$12,444!
#1 ALL-TIME BASKETBALL ROI and he is +$5,875!
#1 ALL-TIME BASEBALL ROI and he is +$7,226!
#2 BASKETBALL THIS SEASON and he is +$4,323!
#2 ALL-TIME 5* CAPPER ROI and he is +$4,760!
#3 ALL-TIME FOOTBALL ROI and he is +$7,022!
Last updated Feb 4, 5:51 AM EST
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Consultant Bio
Scott "The Bulldog" Rickenbach ranks among the most consistent and reliable handicappers in the industry on a year in and year out basis. With his affinity for statistics (truly a "numbers whiz") Scott naturally chose a career in business 3 decades ago. As a CPA, Scott's business acumen led to razor sharp money management skills. His "sharp line analysis" assures clients get the most "bang for their buck." Rickenbach ultimately chose his true passion (high level sports analytics) over high finance.
Now 53 and absolutely in his prime, Scott brings 2 decades of experience in full tilt sports research to the table. He's been handicapping on the professional level for 21 years and prides himself on the fact that documented records exist for each and every selection he makes. His decade plus of documented results in the industry have included a wealth of top five finishes in all of the sports. This has included many #1 net profit rankings for multiple seasons and multiple sports including high ranking finishes in NFL, NCAA FB, NBA, NCAA BK, NHL, Canadian Football, Soccer and MLB.
The nickname? A bulldog is a breed known for its courageousness, tenacity and determination. Scott earned the nickname, "The Bulldog" for his tenacious pursuit of profits and an unrelenting work ethic to be a top handicapper in the industry. Scott has built a strong and loyal following because of his consistent results and honest and open approach to handicapping. Join "The Bulldog" today and you'll see the integrity and professionalism shine through.
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